Tax planning and preparation is the foundation of The Tax Management Centre. We believe that maximizing annual tax savings starts with understanding each client’s individual financial situation-- because in a constantly changing tax environment, proactive, individualized tax planning is critical to minimizing tax liabilities. Therefore, it is our mission to develop personalized strategies that enable our patrons to take advantage of new tax legislations and rulings as published by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). To this end, we ensure that our value-added services go beyond the numbers: we provide clients with templates to track the expenses of their homes, offices, and/or vehicles; we review past documents and offer lucrative future options; and we ensure that our knowledgeable team is available both over the phone and via email to address any and all questions.
Estate Returns
In addition to personal income taxes, The Tax Management Centre provides services to help Estate Executors navigate the complex requirements of the CRA. We offer advice on the special rules that apply to estates, and address key tax issues such as probate fees, spousal property rollover, deemed dispositions, collapsing or transferring RRSPs/RRIFs, income accrual, and income tax elections.
CRA Reviews
The CRA audits both claims they deem to be unusual and claims that are not necessarily questionable. When The Tax Management Centre becomes your representative, the CRA will send these review requests to us. Upon receiving these letters, we will either get in contact with you and provide you with a detailed list of necessary documents, or compile the information from our own files.